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Forgotten Kisses Page 5

  Hannah's heart hammered and her mind told her to decline the invitation. "I'd love to go." She grinned. "Italian cuisine in Africa?"

  Alex smiled. "As good as in Italy."

  As daylight glittered the eastern sky, Hannah and Alex were speeding toward Nadira. Hannah sighed and said, "I think this country has the most beautiful sunrises I've ever seen."

  Alex replied, "That's what I've always said, and I've traveled the world."

  Hannah watched shades of pink and yellow streak the horizon and asked, "Besides here, what is the most exciting place you've ever been?"

  "Hmm. I think that would be Antarctica."

  She twisted in her seat. "Wow! What took you there?"

  Alex slowed the jeep to swerve around potholes. "Curiosity. I'd read numerous books about the exploration of Antarctica, so when a scientist friend invited me to join him on a research project to measure ozone levels, I couldn't resist. We were there from December through February, the summer season. What about you? What's the most exciting place you've been?"

  Hannah grinned and laughed. "My family's ranch during the Covered Wagon Three Day Trail Blaze."

  The road smoothed out and Alex brought the jeep back up to speed. "Now that sounds intriguing. Tell me about it."

  "It's always been my favorite time of year. During the summer and sometimes spring, my dad and mom host wagon train adventures with a nearby rancher. My dad started the tradition long before he married my mother, but after they married she expanded on it. For years it was totally rustic, but my mom suggested that better facilities, such as nice picnic areas and restrooms with wheelchair access, would make the adventure accessible to more people. My dad and the other rancher thought it was a great idea and we've been hosting separate wagon trains for the physically challenged."

  Hannah's breath hitched when she saw Alex's expression of admiration when he glanced at her. He said, "Now I see where your compassion comes from. Your mother and father seem like wonderful people."

  Without thinking she replied, "Maybe someday you can meet them."

  Unexpectedly, Alex exclaimed, "Look to your right!"

  Hannah darted her gaze to her window and gasped. In the distance a herd of wildebeest were crossing a river and Alex stopped the car so they could watch. Hannah clapped her hands like a delighted child, a habit she couldn't seem to break when she was excited, and exclaimed, "I love this wonderful country!"

  Alex agreed, "I share your enthusiasm a hundred percent." After a few minutes, he accelerated the vehicle forward and said, "About meeting your parents… I'd like that." Hannah's heart raced until he finished with, "Do you think they'll ever come here?"

  "Probably not. The ranch, as well as their grandchildren, keep them busy."

  They were silent for awhile and then Alex asked, "Does your father still model?"

  "He occasionally makes appearances at charity events or when an opportunity for a 'mature man' shoot comes along. Mostly, he does what he loves—works his ranch and teases my mother." She grinned at her last statement.

  "Sounds like you had a great upbringing."

  "I did."

  Hannah was surprised when Alex volunteered information about himself that she hadn't had the courage to ask. He said, "My upbringing was very formal. I was sent to boarding school at nine and only spent summers and holidays with my family. After I graduated, I spent a year at home assisting my father in managing our family's holdings, and then went off to further my education." He sounded resigned when he continued, "I made a promise to my father that when I turned thirty-six I would return to England and divide my time between the family's estate and the medical practice I told you about before. Although my brother will inherit the estate and titles, he has no interest in accepting the responsibilities associated with them. He's eighteen months older than I and the proverbial playboy. He's more than willing that I should oversee the manor alongside our father upon my return, and then assume total responsibility after the earl's death." He sighed when he ended his explanation and finished with, "So now you know my secret. I'm my brother's keeper."

  Hannah had turned in her seat while he spoke and now frowned. "Why can't someone be hired to oversee the affairs of the estate?"

  Alex shifted his gaze to her and shrugged. "Very astute observation." He looked back at the road. "I guess you could say it’s a matter of pride. Our holdings have been in the family for over two hundred years, and always overseen by the aristocrat or his heirs. My father simply cannot bear to have our name besmirched or our family become the object of gossip—his words. But, of course, every noble family is the subject of gossip," he finished with a grin.

  "So…because you love your father, you made the bargain with him."

  Alex shrugged. "Exactly so. But something you have to understand is that my father, for all his faults, is a good and honorable man. Although he's a victim to propriety, he's a loving person who's always been there for family members, anyone in our employ, or those living in the Village of Hart below our estate. I could never do anything to disappoint him. But if that weren't enough, before my mother died she made me promise to become my brother's keeper. Hence, my earlier reference to that."

  Hannah gazed out the windshield. "I understand. I would do anything for my father and mother, too."

  "But if our roles were reversed, do you think they would ask something like that of you?"

  Hannah pondered his question before replying softly, "No. They wouldn't. They've always encouraged their children to follow their hearts."

  Alex released a long sigh. "So you see my dilemma?"

  Hannah reached to touch his forearm. "I do." She wanted to ask if his fiancée was part of the bargain he had made with his father, but her courage failed her there.

  They arrived in the city around one and Alex drove to the Italian restaurant he had raved about. He said, "We'll pick up our supplies after we eat. I don't like leaving medical necessities unattended, even in a locked vehicle."

  The lunch was just as delicious as he had described and their conversation—in contrast to the heaviness during the drive to the city—was light and sometimes silly. They told jokes and laughed at ridiculous punch lines. Hannah thoroughly enjoyed herself. The time passed quickly and before she knew it, her watch read three o'clock.

  "We'd better head over to the clinic for our supplies," Alex said.

  By four o'clock Alex, with Hannah's help, had loaded his jeep with bandages, antibiotics, syringes, blood sugar testing kits, water filters, cases of water, and the myriad supplies necessary for running a medical clinic. She had been great throughout the day and he immensely enjoyed talking with her. For a fleeting moment he compared her with Morgana. Although Morgana was extremely intelligent as well as beautiful, she seemed to have no ambition other than becoming his socialite wife. And to prove that fact, she had turned down the many suitors who had wanted to court her over the years. Being only two years younger than he, she had reached an age where those same suitors were marrying and settling down—and he felt bloody guilty about that. She had willingly given up her youth to wait for him. Five years ago they had become passionate lovers and he'd reconciled himself to the eventuality of their marriage, but now he dreaded it. Did he want a wife with no motivation other than mingling in the upper crust of society or redecorating the manor? The answer, of course, was emphatically no. But he was a man of his word and he would fulfill the promises he had made to his father, mother, brother, and fiancée.

  Chapter 13: Just a Kiss

  Over the next three months Alex often invited Hannah to accompany him on visits to other villages, treks to pick up supplies, and walks around their own village and countryside. Although she was in her early twenties, she had a maturity and wisdom he found refreshing. Often she regaled him with stories from her hometown. He laughed when she told him how her brother Preston, since his teens, had believed himself in love with a local girl, but whose world had flipped upside down when he met a woman nicknamed Freckles. She was
a canine sitter and had been walking several dogs when he'd almost stepped on Pookie, a Pomeranian, because he'd been brooding over the woman he thought he loved. Freckles, who was always outspoken, gave him a verbal lashing and Preston, not used to anyone scolding him, had immediately been intrigued. He'd devised a way of getting to know this strange woman by asking her to care for a newborn pup left on the doorstep of the vet clinic he owned with his twin brother.

  While Hannah related her brother's story they had been walking the outskirts of the village. Alex stopped and faced her. "So, are you telling me that Preston ended up with Freckles, and not the girl he fancied himself in love with?"

  Hannah chuckled. "That's exactly what I'm saying. The supposed love of his life, Tessa, ended up marrying a famous rock star and now collaborates on songs with him and tours worldwide. Maybe you've heard of them, Sean and Tessa Barfield."

  "I have and I love their music. What a small world."

  Hannah continued, "Preston and Freckles have devoted their lives to saving and caring for animals. Preston is a well respected vet in Paxtonville, and Freckles has a thriving animal sitting business. They both love what they do, and little Gus, their son, seems to have the same passion for animals." She laughed. "I think they know every animal in Paxtonville and the surrounding countryside by name."

  Alex smiled. "You know that town of yours sounds remarkable. Tell me about some other interesting characters living there."

  Hannah lifted one finger at a time as she began a countdown. "There's the author Maxwell Henry–"

  Surprised, Alex interrupted, "Small world again. I've read all his books."

  She continued, "His wife Tooty has also written a few things—some poetry books and a story about her ancestors from the post civil war era."

  Alex mused, "Her name is unusual. I don't believe I've heard it before."

  Hannah grinned. "I once asked her why she was named Tooty and she said she'd asked her mother the same thing. Her mother's response was, 'because I liked it'."

  Alex laughed. "Honest answer. But getting back to interesting people, who's next?"

  "Next is Dirk Branigan the rodeo star and his wife, Monica. She was once a successful New York designer. And lest I forget, Dirk is also a horse whisperer."

  Alex was intrigued. "As in someone who reads horses' minds and talks to them?"

  Hannah nodded. "Something like that. He's very much in demand." She continued the countdown. "Another interesting person is Jackson Martinez, who left a lucrative stock trader position in New York to become a ranch hand at the Triple T. After working his way up to foreman, he bought the spread when the owner, Tommy Travis Tritt, decided to sell. Jackson's wife, Ann, is my mom's best friend. Jackson, Ann, and my mom all met the same summer my mom and dad fell in love. At the time, Ann was married, but later her husband died and she moved to Paxtonville to be near loved ones when her son married my half-sister." She paused for breath. "Someday I'll tell you the story of how Ann took down a mafia kingpin in New York."

  Alex busted out laughing. "Oh, I can't wait for that one. But right now remind me again of some of the names of businesses in your town. They always make me smile."

  Hannah lifted her fingers and began another countdown. "Dixie's Cuppa Joe; Shop 'Til You Drop Truck Stop; Biggie's Bag 'n Save Big Mart; Sally's Second Chance Clothing; Boot Bustin' Barn, Hank's Feed and Seed…" and she continued naming several more.

  They had reached the dorm and were paused outside. Still laughing, Alex said, "I haven't laughed this much in a long time. Maybe someday I'll visit Paxtonville so you can personally escort me around town." After he said the words, he wished he could take them back. When his time in Africa was over he would return to England, marry Morgana, and become a stodgy doctor and overseer of his family's holdings. The thought made him ill.

  Suddenly, in a rash move, he bent and kissed Hannah lightly on the lips, when what he really wanted to do was sink his hands into her hair, pull her into his arms, and crush his mouth against hers. He stepped back and studied her startled expression. Softly, he said, "It was just a kiss to thank you for all the laughter."

  Chapter 14: More than a Kiss

  For the next two weeks Hannah couldn't look at Alex without remembering his kiss. And even though he had explained it was just a thank you kiss, to her it was much more. It hammered the final nail in her coffin. Her feelings for him were solidified. She was in love with his kindness, charm, honesty, humor, forthrightness—everything that was him.

  After a particularly grueling day at the clinic she returned to the dorm exhausted. When she started crying, she supposed it was the exhaustion that had lowered her defenses. She was hopelessly in love with a man who was completely out of her grasp. He had a fiancée and social status that was unobtainable for her. She was a plain Jane country girl who would return to Paxtonville in four months. Her position as office assistant would be given to another as Alex continued to work in the village they both loved. After his contract ended he would return to his ancestral estate in England, marry beautiful Morgana, and assume his responsibilities.

  A knock on her door startled her. She was going to ignore it, but it sounded again. Maybe there's an emergency. She brushed her tears aside and opened the door. She decided she would explain her red eyes and nose by saying she was coming down with a cold.

  Alex stood on the other side and by his expression he knew she'd been crying. "What's wrong?" he asked gently.

  Hannah's eyes flooded with tears again. "I'm coming down with a cold. It's nothing."

  Alex stepped into the room and closed the door. "You're lying, Hannah. What's wrong? Has something happened in your family?"

  With her eyes downcast, she shook her head because she couldn't speak. Then she lifted her gaze to his, knowing he would see the truth. There was no use hiding it anymore.

  For a long moment they stared at each other. Then he softly cursed, said, "I can't fight this anymore," and pulled her into his arms, crushing his mouth to hers. In that moment Hannah forgot about her lowly social status and his fiancée. She responded as any woman would when passionately kissed by the man she loved. She returned his kisses with the same intensity. Perhaps she would regret it later, but for now he was hers.

  Alex had never felt such love for a woman. During his twenties he had had mistresses, but after his engagement to Morgana he'd been faithful to her, and when she'd visited the village, he'd released his pent up passion on her. But this was different. Hannah was the woman he really wanted. She was the woman who invaded his dreams and made him yearn for a different life.

  He pressed her backward until she was against the door and then moved his mouth from her lips to her neck, tasting her. When she hooked one leg around his thigh, pulling his groin closer, he groaned with pleasure. He cupped her breasts and she leaned into him. He wanted to carry her to the narrow bed and sink himself inside her, but only after savoring the sweetness of her body. She placed her hands under his shirt stroking his back and then his chest.

  For a long time they kissed, caressed, and tasted, and just as he was about to carry her to the bed, the sound of a door closing startled them. He jerked back and stared into her dazed eyes. He rasped, "Hannah, not here. Not like this."

  Gradually, her gazed focused on his mouth and then moved to his eyes. "I love you, Alex," she whispered.

  Those words almost undid his resolve to be a gentleman. "I love you, too."

  "What are we going to do?"

  He moved his hands to cup her cheeks. "We're going to get married, if you'll have me."

  Her eyes widened. "But what about–"

  "I'm breaking off my engagement. Will you marry me, sweet Hannah? I know I'm older than you and have a sorry disposition at times, but I promise I'll do my best to change and make you happy for the rest of your life."

  Hannah lightly kissed him. "I'll marry you no matter what your disposition." She glanced away and then quickly back. "What about your obligations to your family?"

"Honestly, I don't know how things will work out. But losing you is not an option. I'd give up everything for you."

  Tears flooded Hannah's eyes. "I'll live wherever you want. If it's in England, so be it. I'll help you in any way I can." And with those words she pressed her lips to his again.

  Chapter 15: Village Ceremony

  Many of the villagers seemed to have noticed a change in Hannah and Alex and even commented on how happy they both looked. Others would smile and nod knowingly. Sometimes Hannah felt as if she wore a big banner that said, "I love Alex and he loves me!"

  On a Friday, a week after their confessions of love, Alex called her into his office and pulled her onto his lap. He kissed her soundly and then whispered in her ear, "Chief Gikuyu sent a messenger this afternoon inviting us to a wedding. It's the young couple Makena and Wamugunda."

  Hannah clapped her hands with glee. "That's wonderful! We teased Makena terribly during my first trip to Muturi. I'd love to attend. Can we go?"

  Alex grinned. "I thought that would be your reaction. The wedding is tomorrow. We'll need to leave in the morning around eight."

  "I'll be ready."

  Alex pulled his jeep to the front of Chief Gikuyu's hut and hurried around the car to open Hannah's door. He appreciated that she allowed him to be a gentleman. The door to the hut opened and the chief stepped outside grinning broadly. "Welcome, my friends. This is a fine day for our lovers to marry. They only came to me three days ago and asked for my blessing, and the entire village has been hurriedly preparing for the ceremony. We haven't had a marriage in over a year."

  The chief's wife stepped outside and motioned to Hannah and Alex. "Come in! Come in!"

  For the next hour Alex and Hannah conversed with the chief and his wife. They laughed, shared happenings in both villages, and discussed the future of the country.