Forgotten Kisses Page 4
"Would you like me to help you tonight and go with you tomorrow?"
Alex turned to stare at Hannah for a moment and by the light of the full moon, she saw something in his eyes that made her heart race. She saw admiration. With everything in her she knew that more than anything she wanted the approval of Dr. Alexavier Wyndham.
Gazing straight ahead again, he said, "Thank you, but other than unload our files and the gifts given in payment for our services, there's really nothing for you to do. Get a good night's sleep and if you want to return with me tomorrow, I'm leaving at eight."
They continued their journey in companionable silence as Hannah watched the silhouette of mountains in the distance. She said, "You said it's been three years since insurgent uprisings. Do you like the new government?"
He seemed to consider her words before saying, "As with any fledgling government it's a 'wait and see' situation. However, it appears to be stable with legislation proposed to boost the economy and create jobs. There's much optimism for the future. Ten years ago, I fulfilled some of my residency in this country and I can tell you from experience it was quite different. Villages were decimated, people were suffering and children were orphaned. It was a heartbreaking disaster."
"Is that when you decided to return here as a doctor with Borders Removed?"
"Yes. But it took a few more years because of obligations." In the shifting shadows Hannah could see furrows in his brow as he continued, "After I graduated from medical school, at my father's urging, I signed up for a two year stint with a prestigious medical practice in Swindon, a city two hours west of London and an hour from my family's estate. At the time, I was young and easily influenced by my father."
Softly, Hannah asked, "And now you're not?"
Just as softly he replied, "No, I'm not, but I made promises that I had to keep then…" he paused, "…and more promises when I return to England."
Hannah inhaled deeply to fortify her courage and asked the question that had been on her mind since Ms. Buttons had mentioned it. "Ms. Buttons said you come from a family of nobility. Is that true?"
Alex glanced sharply at her. "Ms. Buttons was never one to mind her own business. But to answer your question, yes. My father holds the title of Earl of Alderbury."
Hannah's eyes widened. "So one day you will become an earl?"
"Hardly. Thank God I'm the spare and not the heir. My brother will inherit the title and lands."
"Oh," Hannah replied because she didn't know what to say. Their previous comradery was replaced by an invisible blanket of tension and she wished she'd never broached the subject of Alex's lineage.
"Does that disappoint you?" he asked.
His unusual question breaking their silence confused her. "Does what disappoint me?"
"The fact that I'll not inherit my father's kingdom?"
"Of course not. Why should it? I'm an American and know nothing about the aristocracy." She shifted in her seat to fully face him. When their eyes met she understood why he had asked the question. Her jaw dropped and she was thankful for only the dim illumination from the dashboard so he couldn't see her blushing. She stuttered, "Y-you think I asked that because…" Her voice trailed because she couldn't bring herself to say what she knew he believed.
He shrugged and returned his eyes to the road. They were entering the outskirts of Jata. "It wouldn't be the first time a woman wanted to get to know me with the ulterior motive of insinuating herself into a noble family."
For a moment Hannah was speechless and then she was furious. She blustered, "I was merely asking about your family because I was curious. Usually, when people work together they speak about their families. I have been very open about mine–"
He interrupted, "Really? Then why haven't you mentioned anything about your father's fame? I know about it because the personnel files on recruits that I receive from the corporate office are well researched."
"Because…because it's not important." Her excuse sounded lame to her own ears. She hadn't told him because—hell, she didn't really know why. Yes you do, her mind whispered. You didn't tell him because you've always found yourself lacking when it comes to your family. Everyone has an accomplishment except you. Tears stung her eyes and she jerked her head around to gaze out her window. They were now entering the village proper and approaching the dorm. Alex pulled to a stop in front of the building and turned off the ignition. Feeling contrite, she said, "You're right. I haven't talked much about my father because people always compare me to him and find me lacking."
Softly, Alex said, "Hannah, look at me."
She didn't want to, but she turned to stare into eyes that had become dark pools of concentration. She waited for another chastisement. It didn't come. Instead, he said, "I'm sorry for what I insinuated. I know you're not that kind of woman. I was just lashing out because, like you, I've had to endure comparisons to family members all my life. Can we forget the past ten minutes? Can we stop being so sensitive about our families?"
Hannah smiled tremulously. "I'd like that." For an instant she had the crazy impression that he might kiss her. Instead, he trailed a finger down her cheek before reaching across her and opening her door. He said, "I'll take care of unloading the jeep."
Chapter 9: Phone Call
A month after Mrs. Gathuuri's crisis, which actually never became a crisis because she had a bacterial infection easily treated with antibiotics, Alex received a phone call that pissed him off. It was from his father who informed him in no uncertain terms that he was coming for a two day visit. The fact that his father was coming was bad enough, but he was bringing Alex's sister and fiancée. Alex wasn't fooled. His father's ulterior motive was to remind his son of the life he would someday be forced to live. In a couple of years he would return to England and again join that prestigious medical practice in Swindon, marry Morgana, a woman of impeccable pedigree, and assist his father in managing their vast holdings. It was the last thing he wanted. However, his devotion to his family was just as powerful as his loathing of his duties to them. Of course, none of this would have been necessary if his brother had grown into a responsible man. When Alex had revealed to Hannah that he was the spare and his brother the heir, he had left out the annoying fact that his brother had no business acumen whatsoever. The verity that he was his brother's keeper had been impressed upon him from childhood. In fact, his father was counting on Alex to keep William from squandering their fortune and losing their land and titles after his death. At which time, Alex would take the reins in running the estate and holdings.
Alex sighed and stepped from his office. For a moment he watched Hannah leading a patient to the examining room. His assistant was a sweet young woman who did her damndest to please him and everyone else. She worked long hours alongside him, always catered to his needs with cups of tea or coffee, brought him healthy snacks, and never asked personal questions after their squabble a month earlier. Sometimes he wanted to blurt the situation with his family just to see what she would say. Of course, he never did.
Later that day, as they were closing the office, he said, "Well, it looks like you're about to meet my family. My father, sister, and fiancée are arriving next week for a couple of days."
She paused in locking the door and glanced at him. "That's wonderful. How long since you've seen them? Are you excited?"
He feigned pleasure at the upcoming reunion. "It's been a year since I've seen anyone in my family, and yes, I look forward to seeing them."
She gave him a sweet smile that tripped his heart and replied, "They're going to be so proud of all you've accomplished here."
Hannah bade Alex goodnight and hastily walked toward the dorm. His fiancée is coming! Part of her was curious about the woman who had captured Alex's heart, the other part wanted to cry. Over the past weeks she had come to adore her boss. Her impression of him after their first meeting had soon been replaced by admiration, and yes, this silly adoration. Every day her heart pounded while in his presence, and every day she s
colded herself for falling for him. He was engaged, he was out of her league, he was at least twelve years older than she, and he was nobility!
Chapter 10: Family
In the clinic's waiting room Hannah bounced a four month old on her hip while the child's mother was being examined. The baby had already spit up on her twice and was now crying and flailing her tiny arms. While Hannah tried to soothe the child with a pacifier, the door opened and a distinguished gentleman that Hannah instantly knew was Alex's father, held it open for those with him. He was preceded by a tall woman with shiny black hair pulled into a bun at the nape of her neck, and then a woman of incredible beauty whose platinum blond hair and flawless ivory complexion was in stark contrast to everyone else in the room.
Mrs. Wangai, a middle-aged patient waiting to see the doctor, stood and said to Hannah, "Let me hold the baby so you can work." Hannah kissed the baby's forehead and handed her over. Reaching for a tissue on a nearby table, she dabbed at the spit-up on her shoulder. With a smile she faked, she said to the newcomers, "Hello! You must be Dr. Wyndham's family. Welcome. He's with a patient right now, but he shouldn't be long. Why don't you take a seat and I'll bring you some coffee or tea?"
The dark haired woman, who looked like a female version of Alex, smiled warmly, and her rather heavy features became almost pretty. She replied, "Thank you. Let me introduce everyone." She motioned toward Alex's father. "Please meet Lord Alderbury, Alex's father, and I'm Maisie Wyndham, his sister." Next she motioned toward the blonde. "And this is Alex's fiancée Lady Morgana Westerhall."
Hannah was amused by the formality of the introductions but politely smiled and welcomed everyone. Lord Alderbury looked exactly like a royal gentleman from a PBS broadcast as he bowed slightly and said, "It's a pleasure meeting you. And your name is…"
"Hannah Tanner, Sir Wyndham." When Morgana gave her a strange look, Hannah knew she'd just made a faux pas in addressing the earl. Obviously, a curtsy was out of the question. She would probably trip over her own feet.
There were five village women in the waiting room and six children, and the usually noisy atmosphere was as silent as a tomb. Everyone's attention was focused on the newcomers. Hannah almost grinned when she thought about the gossip that would soon be traveling like wildfire throughout the village.
The elegant blond stepped forward. She was wearing a navy blue, three-quarter-sleeve linen pantsuit that was perfectly tailored and accented by a pristine white neck scarf. She could have stepped off the pages of Harper's Bazaar. In contrast, Alex's sister wore denim jeans and a red, short-sleeve shell top.
Morgana said, "It's a pleasure making your acquaintance, Miss Tanner. I'd like hibiscus tea if you have it." She walked to an empty chair with no one seated on either side, brushed it off with a hankie, and tentatively sat down. Hannah felt instant dislike, and from the expressions on the villagers' faces, they did too. Hannah decided it was going to be a long two days.
Alex stepped out of the examining room and as soon as he started toward Hannah's desk he saw his father, sister, and fiancée through the reception window. He wanted to groan. He hadn't expected them until evening and he had a full day of patients. He walked into the waiting room to greet them. His sister jumped to her feet while his father slowly stood. Morgana smiled widely. He returned her smile and said to his visitors, "We can talk in my office." He handed his patient's file to Hannah. "When Mrs. Kimathi comes out, please schedule her for an appointment in three months."
"Yes, sir," she replied.
To his patients watching with unveiled curiosity, he said, "I just need five minutes, then we'll be back on schedule."
All the patients responded instantly by nodding or replying kindly.
"Take as long as you need, Dr. Wyndham."
"I'm in no hurry, doctor."
"It's not a problem."
Alex motioned his visitors to his office. Once inside, although the door was still open, Morgana threw her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He reached behind her and shut the door.
Chapter 11: Poor Alex
It was Saturday morning and Hannah was just returning from a stroll through the village. She loved the community and often walked, stopping to chat with villagers. She passed Alex's hut.
Unexpectedly she heard, "Oh, hello Hannah." She turned to see Morgana closing the door to the hut. Had Alex's fiancée spent the night with him rather than in the guest room provided at the dorm? She had seen his sister and father at the dorm the previous night. Her thoughts refused to go any further.
Morgana was impeccably dressed in a beige split skirt, tall suede boots slightly darker than her skirt, high-neck white silk blouse, and tailored vest matching her skirt. She reminded Hannah of a spoiled heroine from a 1950s movie who had gone to Africa seeking adventure. Hannah's overactive imagination almost made her laugh aloud. Instead, she pasted on a smile and said cordially, "Good morning, Morgana."
The lovely woman swatted at something on her arm. Looking exasperated, she said, "I couldn't sleep with all the bugs buzzing and animals howling. How do you stand it?"
Hannah shrugged. "I was raised on a ranch with a menagerie of animals. I never knew anything other than nature sounds."
Morgana stepped beside Hannah. "Do you mind if I walk with you for awhile?"
Hannah stifled a groan. "Not at all."
They walked a short distance before Morgana asked, "Do you enjoy working with Alex?"
Although the question was reasonable, Hannah had a feeling it was a loaded one. "Yes. He's a wonderful doctor."
Morgana replied demurely, "You know, don't you that he's returning to England when his contract here is fulfilled?"
"Yes. He mentioned it."
"Has he also told you that he's in line to an earldom?"
"I believe he said his older brother would inherit the title and lands."
Morgana frowned. "Yes, that's true. But everyone knows Alex is the brains and his brother is…" She paused and sighed before saying, "I'll put it in the crude language of Americans…a screw up. Which means Alex will be overseeing his family's holdings."
Hannah could think of no appropriate response, so she remained silent and wished Morgana would also stay silent. Sadly, the woman continued speaking. "After Alex and I marry, we'll divide our time between the family's Swindon townhouse and their country manor. In Swindon he'll join a prestigious medical practice."
"That's…nice," Hannah responded.
"Oh, it's more than nice. He'll finally have this nonsense of working in backward countries out of his system and take up his rightful position in society."
Hannah didn't think it possible, but Morgana was becoming even more repulsive to her. Thankfully, they had reached the dorm. "Well, it looks like I'm home. Can you find your way back or would you like me to come with you?"
Morgana wrinkled her flawless forehead and replied, "If you're trying to make me feel inferior, it's not working. Of course I can find my way back."
Hannah's mouth dropped. "I'm sorry you mistook my remark. I wasn't–"
Morgana interrupted. "Spare me the apology." She lifted one eyebrow. "And your feelings toward Alex are wasted. He loves me and he's always been faithful to me. We grew up as friends and later became lovers. We've always known we would marry and carry on our families' legacies."
Hannah stared with disbelief at Morgana. It almost sounded as if she was jealous. Don't respond, Hannah told herself. She turned to open the door to the dorm and didn't listen to her own advice. Over her shoulder, she said, "Seriously, you should get over yourself."
As soon as she was inside the building she rushed to her room and peered out the window. If Morgana was walking back toward Alex's hut, she was going in the wrong direction. The first thought that came to Hannah was, Poor Alex—stuck with her.
Chapter 12: Secret
While straightening magazines in the clinic's waiting room, Hannah glanced out the window as Alex bade goodbye to his family and fiancée. Morgana wrapped her
arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. When she pulled back, she moved her gaze to the window and made eye contact with Hannah. She smiled sweetly, lifted a hand in farewell, and kissed Alex again.
Hannah wasn't fooled.
The spoiled woman was marking her territory and making sure Hannah knew Alex was taken. Hannah inwardly winced and returned her attention to the magazines. What Morgana couldn't seem to grasp was that Hannah's relationship with Alex was strictly professional during office hours, and the rest of the time he treated her like a kid sister. Besides, she couldn't imagine why beautiful Morgana would even consider her a threat.
Throughout the day Hannah felt more relaxed now that life had returned to normal. Even Alex seemed to be in better spirits. There were fewer patients that day, a surprise to both of them, so they locked the clinic door at exactly five-thirty. Hannah said goodnight and started toward her dorm. She had only taken a few steps when Alex said, "Hannah, wait up. I'll walk you home."
Her heart kicked into high gear and she wanted to groan. She didn't want Alex having that effect on her. She turned and smiled and waited for him. Wanting to say something, but not knowing exactly what, she asked inanely, "Did you have a good visit with your family?"
His response was short and generic. "It was nice."
They walked a few paces and he said, "I'm driving to the Nadira clinic tomorrow to pick up supplies we're running low on. Our quarterly drop off by helicopter won't happen for another month. The round trip to Nadira takes about eight hours. Would you like to visit the big city with me? We'll leave at sunrise and return during late afternoon. There's a great little Italian restaurant I always visit when I'm there."