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Hannah stared at the gaping wound and felt her stomach roil. She could see the boy's skull through the torn flesh. Inhaling sharply, she stepped forward and pulled on a pair of gloves. As soon as she was wearing them the doctor grabbed her hands and placed them where his had previously been. While she put pressure on the cut, Dr. Wyndham opened the child's eyes and pointed his pen light into them. He then examined the boy's body. Finally, he said, "There's a bite under his right arm. I've got to get antivenom into him before taking care of the cut. Continue holding pressure on the wound. Can you handle that?"
"Yes, sir," Hannah said with conviction.
Dr. Wyndham rushed from the room. Within a minute he had returned with a syringe. "I'm going to give him the antivenom." By now the child was starting to stir and when he opened his eyes, his whimpers turned into screams. "Hold him tight, Hannah, while I give him a shot, then I'll prepare another one to calm him." Hannah did as ordered.
Dr. Wyndham administered the antivenom and while he prepared the next shot, he quickly explained the steps he would follow to suture the wound. Hannah continued her struggle to keep the child still. Finally, the boy was given another injection and he went limp. Just then the door opened and Ms. Buttons rushed in with the nurse named Sandy. Dr. Wyndham said, "Sandy, take over for Hannah." Without looking up, he ordered, "Ms. Buttons, you stay. Hannah, you can leave now. Tell the mother everything is under control and I'll be out to see her soon." He added, "Wash up first and put on one of the nurse's smocks so you don't scare everyone with all that blood."
"Yes, sir." Hannah went to the supply room and removed her blouse. After cleansing herself of blood, she grabbed a smock from the closet and hurriedly put it on. She returned to the waiting room with the weeping mother who was sitting between two women holding her hands. Hannah said, "Dr. Wyndham wants you to know everything is under control and he'll be out to see you soon." The mother nodded and sniffed back tears. Hannah then returned to the supply room, grabbed some paper towels, moistened them, and began cleaning blood drips from the floor.
Ms. Buttons exited the examining room and said, "Hannah, Dr. Wyndham wants you to go to the dorm and chill until after lunch. I'll cover for you."
Hannah nodded and glanced around the room. Everyone was watching her and she felt terrible. She'd just faced an emergency and failed to react appropriately—she'd frozen. Biting back stinging tears, she hurried from the clinic. Dr. Wyndham had been right in questioning her ability to handle this kind of work.
After showering and changing her clothing, it took supreme effort on Hannah's part to return to the clinic an hour later to face the people she had let down—patients who needed clearheaded health professionals that didn't freeze in an emergency, and a doctor who needed the same. Swallowing the lump in her throat she opened the door to the clinic and returned to her desk. The first thing she asked was how the child was doing?
Ms. Buttons replied, "Jomo is doing just fine. His vitals are stable so the antivenom appears to be working, and the wound is sutured. In fact, mother and son are together in the recovery room. They'll stay there until this evening when Dr. Wyndham will drive them home, and then Sandy will spend the night with the family to monitor the boy." She then continued training Hannah in chart notation, which was surprising. Surely, Dr. Wyndham had lambasted her to Ms. Buttons and she was about to be ordered back to the states.
The remainder of the day passed quickly because of the endless tasks to be accomplished, and before Hannah realized it, Ms. Buttons was saying goodbye to the last patient. To Hannah she said, "We can finish color coding charts in the morning."
Hannah replied, "Oh, I don't mind finishing up."
Behind her a deep voice interrupted, "Hannah, could you come to my office please?"
Hannah jerked her gaze to Ms. Buttons and could have sworn the woman looked amused.
Pushing a file into its slot in the cabinet, she turned and said, "Yes sir." She swallowed hard. Now he's going to fire me.
Chapter 4: Gumption
Resigned to having her dismal failure broadcast in her face by the unnerving Dr. Wyndham, Hannah entered his office. He was already behind his desk and motioned for her to sit.
Rather than prolong the inevitable, she remained standing and said, "I guess you were right about me. I'll tender my resignation immediately."
The doctor placed his elbows on his desk and leaned his chin on his hands. "So, in addition to being inept, you're also a quitter?"
Hannah's eyes widened. She had expected to be admonished, but this was just too much. Straightening her spine she said, "Dr. Wyndham, I have always been taught to respect others, but you are an ass. You have every right to rebuke me, but not to insult me. My letter of resignation will be on your desk first thing in the morning. I'll call the home office and–" She stopped talking midsentence because the doctor did something unbelievable. He smiled.
"Miss Tanner, believe it or not, it's refreshing to actually be called an ass. Now I'm not saying you'll work out as my assistant, but at least you won't kowtow to me. That's what I liked about Ms. Buttons. I've decided to let you finish out the month and see how it goes."
"B-but what about today?" she couldn't help asking.
"What about it?"
"I-I wasn't much help?"
"It was a scary situation, but you performed well enough. After your initial shock, you followed my instructions precisely, and I like that. I've decided that perhaps I was premature in my assessment of you."
Hannah bit down hard on her bottom lip. She was afraid she might burst out crying.
Dr. Wyndham sat up straight, reached for a pen, and said, "You can go now. I'll see you tomorrow."
She heaved a sigh. "Thank you, sir, for giving me another chance."
The doctor glanced up from the paper he had started writing on and studied her face with an expression she couldn't discern. Was it curiosity?
Alex watched Hannah leave his office and wondered when he'd lost his mind. He'd just missed the perfect opportunity to dismiss the girl and send her to a country less harsh than this one. Why hadn't he done so? Was it because she'd stood up to him that first morning and every day since? Was it the determination he'd seen in her eyes? Was it that he saw something of himself in her? Or was it because she'd stepped up to the plate when needed? Sure, she'd faltered at first, but then she'd become a first class assistant when he'd needed one. She'd done everything he asked without question. Jomo could very well have died had it not been for their teamwork. Alex puffed a breath and returned his attention to the task at hand. He hoped the girl had the gumption necessary to work in a third world country.
Chapter 5: Goodbye, Ms. Buttons
Over the next three weeks Hannah did everything in her power to become an outstanding office assistant. Finally, the time came for Ms. Buttons to leave and the small staff, with the help of locals, surprised her with a party the night before her departure.
With an excuse that several children had gathered to say goodbye, which was true, Hannah led her predecessor toward the thatched hut used for community gatherings. When Ms. Buttons opened the door she was greeted by a crowd of adults and children yelling, "Surprise!" Hannah wasn't sure if Ms. Buttons was really surprised because of all the whispered planning the past week, but she was definitely touched. The much loved woman promptly burst into tears, which caused several well-wishers to also start crying. When the chief of the village, Kamau, addressed the crowd, he started another emotional response. But finally, the party turned into a joyful occasion. The window coverings were lifted to allow cool evening air into the large hut and the children were chased outdoors to play. Soon a line formed at the food table.
Standing off to the side, Hannah watched the festivities. The comradery between the villagers and the workers was reminiscent of the relationships she had with the townspeople back home. Thinking about home brought a wave of nostalgia. Although she loved her job, she missed her friends and family. Since there was no cell phone service, her communications with
loved ones were via mail delivery and the one monthly telephone call allowed over a phone line that often went dead. And although there was a satellite phone, it was only used for supply requests and emergencies. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out the letter that had arrived only that afternoon in the weekly delivery. Because of her busy work schedule and the added duty of preparing for the surprise party, she hadn't had time to read the missive from her mother. Being an author, her mom always wrote entertaining news. Hannah tore open the flap because she couldn't wait any longer to see what was happening in her hometown.
Dearest Daughter,
I know it goes without saying, but everyone misses you SO MUCH! Sometimes your father and I reach for a photo album and become blubbery blobs reliving the past.
Snowflake is missing you, too. I swear your horse is teary-eyed every time I see him, so I keep reassuring him that you will be home in a year.
Toby and Dovie are EXPECTING! As you know, Dovie was reluctant to have a child because her condition could be inherited, but Toby finally convinced her that they could handle a special needs child. So now that she's settled the matter in her heart, she's ecstatic. The amnio testing has revealed nothing out of the ordinary, but it's also revealed that the baby is a girl! A sonogram will be done at twelve weeks gestation to determine if any limbs are missing or deformed. The whole family is supporting Dovie and we've assured her that whatever the outcome, this baby has already stolen our hearts.
As for Preston and Freckles and baby Gus (and all the dogs they've adopted) they are happy, healthy, and just as quirky as ever. Your brother is a different man since he married Freckles. She keeps him (and everyone else) on their toes and laughing. You never know what's going to pop out of her mouth. She's now designing a clothing line for dachshunds because of their (her words) "specific need for elongated attire." She's contacted everyone in town who owns dachshunds and enlisted their animals in a fashion show that will take place during next year's community picnic. I've seen some of the clothing and I have to say Freckles may have found her calling as a doggie-wear designer!
More news: Recently, there were some pesky tabloid journalists in town trying to chase down Sean and Tessa. It seems they've been nominated for a People's Choice Award for their song, Love on a Breeze. I hate to gloat, but while the song was still in the creation phase they played it for your dad and I, and we told them the tune would go golden and win awards.
But back to those pesky journalists, one of them saw Angel on the street and had his photographer snap her photo, even though she told him not to. He said she was gorgeous and wanted to hook her up with a modeling agency. Seems the guy wouldn't take no for an answer and Eli witnessed the incident. When he rushed to help, things escalated into a shouting match, and when the journalist put a hand on Angel, Eli jerked him away. The guy threw a punch, Eli retaliated, and someone called the police. Both Eli and the journalist ended up in jail overnight, and in the morning the judge ordered the journalist out of town. He ordered Eli to do community service for a month. When Tooty found out her son had to do community service for trying to help Angel, she kind of went ballistic on Judge Casper when she ran into him at Dixie's Cuppa Joe. The judge then ordered Tooty to also perform community service for harassing a public official. What a mess! Miles was in New York working out some details with his publisher for his next book when all this happened, but he flew home immediately after he got word. All I can say is thank goodness he stayed calm. He finally convinced Tooty and Eli to complete their service without argument. Of course, their sentence after Miles talked to the judge was commuted to two weeks helping the mayor and city officials plan next year's Fourth of July Community Picnic.
As for other news–
"Letter from home?"
Startled, Hannah glanced up and said, "Yes, Dr. Wyndham. It's from my mother."
"Do you think we could dispense with formalities after hours? Please call me Alex. May I call you Hannah, or do you have a nickname?"
Hannah couldn't help but grin. "My siblings and dad sometimes call me Horse Girl, but I think Hannah is a better choice."
Alex smiled. "I'm guessing the reason they call you Horse Girl is because you love horses?"
"Bingo. My father is a rancher and I was raised with horses, cattle, chickens, cats, dogs, an occasional hog, and even a few llamas. My horse's name is Snowflake because he has a white marking on his forehead that reminds me of…you guessed it…a snowflake."
"And where is your father's ranch located? I've traveled the U.S. somewhat, so maybe I've been in your vicinity?"
"We live outside a small town called Paxtonville in the southwest corner of Colorado. My father inherited the ranch from his father, who inherited it from his father."
"Oh, I know how that goes. My family's estate has been passed down for over two hundred years."
Hannah's eyes widened. "That's impressive!" She hesitated and then tentatively asked, "Do you come from a family of doctors?"
For a moment Alex's eyes clouded with something akin to frustration, but then he smiled again. "No. I'm the first to choose that profession. As for my predecessors, they were, shall we say, land owners, as is the current generation. My brother William is in line to inherit our estate when our father passes."
There was a short silence and then Hannah asked, "Where is your family home located?"
"It's in Wiltshire County in southwest England. And by the way, I once spent a week in Aspen, Colorado. The terrain was simply stunning and–"
Across the room Gladys Buttons called Hannah's name and halted their conversation. She called again, "Hannah! We need your help with something!" Hannah glanced at Alex with a questioning look, but he shrugged. "I haven't a clue as to what she's up to. As far as that goes, I've never had a clue in all the time she's been my assistant."
As Hannah walked toward Gladys the crowd of locals and workers parted. When she reached her, she was motioned to turn around and face everyone. Confused, Hannah did as requested. The woman placed an arm around her shoulders and said loudly, "Dr. Wyndham's new office assistant joined us four weeks ago and in that time I've come to believe she's my perfect replacement. She has shown courage in the face of emergencies and love for everyone. I ask that all of you treat her with the same regard you have treated me. I have loved my time here, but now," she giggled, "romance is banging on my door and thank goodness I'm not hard of hearing."
Although most of the villagers spoke English, one of the locals translated what was being said. Finally, Ms. Buttons started clapping. "Let's give Hannah a big welcome." Immediately, the crowd joined in with applause.
Hannah was speechless and glanced at Alex to see that he was also clapping heartily.
Ms. Buttons said, "So, Hannah, what do you think about your new home?"
Hannah had always hated being singled out. Her father, although a famous model, also had an aversion to the limelight. Hannah was very much like him in that respect; however, with regard to her appearance, she was unlike her brothers, father, and half sister. They all stood out in a crowd because of their physical beauty. Although Hannah didn't consider herself ugly, she was rather plain. She had not been blessed with the blue eyes of her father and brothers. Hers were a nondescript hazel. As for her plump and curvaceous mother, she also chose anonymity, even though she had authored several popular romance novels.
So now, Hannah had to speak before a crowd and she was terrified. She cleared her throat, cleared it again, and said, "I-I thank all of you for such a warm welcome. Ah…I only hope that I can live up to the kind words of Ms. Buttons. I know I can never replace her, b-but I promise to do everything in my power to earn your respect." She nodded to the interpreter and he conveyed her words while her face flamed multiple shades of red. Thankfully, Dr. Wyndham…Alex…stepped forward to take the limelight off of her. He said, "Hannah, we all welcome you," and spoke kindly of her and Ms. Buttons as she began inching sideways into the crowd.
Alex finished speaking and directed eve
ryone back to the food table. He saw Hannah surrounded by locals and mused over her shyness. She was a contradiction for sure. The day of her arrival she hadn't minced words when she stood up to his criticism, but now, in front of a crowd of admirers, she had blushed profusely and stumbled over her words. He was intrigued.
Chapter 6: Another Village
Precisely six weeks and one day after Hannah's arrival, after she had ushered the last patient of the day out the door, Dr. Wyndham stepped into the waiting area and said, "Miss Tanner, I know tomorrow is Saturday, but would you be interested in traveling to the village of Muturi east of here with me. It's about forty miles and very small. I like to check on the villagers periodically and, unfortunately, both my nurses are unavailable to accompany me."
Hannah had been longing to visit nearby communities and jumped at the chance. "I'd love to go. Should I bring any files with me?"
"Actually, yes. I'll write out a list and set it on your desk. You can meet me here at nine tomorrow to pull the files."
Ten minutes before nine the next morning, Hannah walked the short distance from the dorm to the medical facility built two years earlier by Borders Removed. Although not large, it was sufficient and could easily be enlarged in the future. Dr. Wyndham was already there and called a greeting through the open door of his office when she entered. "Hello, Hannah!"
"Hello, Dr. Wyndham. It's a beautiful day!"
"That it is. Have you adjusted to your new home? Did you sleep well?"
She lifted the list of names from her desk and replied, "I slept like a baby. I always thought my father's ranch was rife with the sounds of animals and insects, but nature's music here is amazing." She started pulling files and when she finished she brought them into the doctor's office. "Do you need to review anything before we leave, Dr. Wyndham?"